Now providing services at our new office location!

Capstone Mental Health
7165 E. University Dr. Building 14 Suite 154
Mesa, AZ 85207

Our double board-certified provider is licensed in both medical and behavioral health and is a dementia-certified practitioner. Our provider has received training in integrative medicine and takes a comprehensive approach to behavioral health rather than staying limited to prescription pharmaceuticals. We do not replace your primary care provider (PCP). Instead, we seek to work with your PCP to provide you and your family member(s) the best care possible.

At Capstone, goals are set by you, not the provider. Your care is delivered respectfully and without judgment.

Where We Service

We deliver telepsychiatry (“telepsych” for short) services using, a HIPAA-compliant secure online video meeting service. We currently provide services for patients in the following states:

When scheduling an appointment, you will receive an appointment link in your email inbox, or you can click the appointment button at the top of this page. These links will start the video service at the time of the appointment. You do not need to download or install any programs on your computer, laptop, or smartphone; all you need is an Internet connection.


To get started, you can call, email, or fax us any time.


Phone: (480) 818-9150

Fax: (623) 738-3182

Capstone is open Monday through Thursday, 8:30 AM to 5 PM MST. Evening and weekend appointments are available upon request.

You will receive a response from us within 24 hours. Calls received after 4 PM may not receive a reply until the following business day.